2025-2026 K-12th applications are live!

A Private Christian School Engaging Hearts and Minds

Middle School

Welcome from the Middle School Principal

We want to celebrate and embrace the change that you are about to embark upon with your child.  This is a time of change and challenge.  Although we know that you are ultimately responsible for your child’s education (Deut. 6:6-7), it would be a privilege to come alongside you in that process every day.  Excellence is our goal in education, and we want our students to achieve in an environment that encourages spiritual, personal, and academic growth.

This transition from elementary school to middle school will have challenges as your child begins to change emotionally and physically. We understand that culture is pressuring your child from every angle.  We understand that our middle school students may not understand what is going on inside of their minds and bodies.  We understand that you may not understand what is going on with your child.  However, our staff takes every opportunity and makes every effort to mentor and guide them with Godly counsel as they walk through these changes.  At SBA, we teach our students to focus on developing Godly character through study of His word, prayer, and through serving other people.  They will learn in an environment that is challenging, fun, fast-paced, and creative.

We will work with you for a common goal, and endeavor to partner with you as we model for them what living a life of discipleship, excellence, and integrity is all about.

Thank you for your interest in our school.  I will be praying for you as you walk through this process with us.

Serving Him at Silverdale,

Roslyn McCoy
Middle School Principal
(423) 892-2319 ex.2240 

Expected Student Outcomes Curriculum Overview

Instructional Support Before and After School Care

Charlotte Mason Educational Philosophy

Silverdale Baptist Academy has found the philosophy of British educator Charlotte Mason (1842-1923) to be the best model of what we believe is best for children.  Mason herself was a humble visionary, orphaned at the age of sixteen, and though passionate about her beliefs, was never one to consider herself as a founder of a perfect educational system.  In fact, her emphasis was on the child as a person, indeed a mystery, and not a product to be manufactured in schools.  Her view of schooling was authentic and inclusive, envisioning a generous and broad curriculum for all children, regardless of class, race, or privilege.


Assistant Principal

Jordan Thompson '06
(423) 892-2319 ex.2257

Dir. of Special Projects

Titus Freuler
(423) 892-2319 ex.2227

Administrative Assistant

Jeri Rizzo
(423) 892-2319 ex.2221