2025-2026 K-12th applications are live!

A Private Christian School Engaging Hearts and Minds

Standards for Admission

Standards for Evaluating Prospective Students



  • Personal Christian commitment of parents and student(s).
  • The willingness of parents and student(s) to be supportive of the Academy's Christian philosophy of education.
  • The willingness of parents and student(s) to support the administration and faculty in carrying out the goals and programs of the Academy.



  • SBA reserves the right to operate according to its sincerely held religious beliefs about biblical marriage and sexuality and therefore does not define "harassment" as including and enforcement of, or adherence to, its biblical principles and expectations in the areas of marriage, sexuality, dress, and discipline. 
  • SBA admits students of any race, color, national origin, and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. Silverdale Baptist Academy does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, or ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, admission policies, scholarships, financial aid, and athletic and other school-administered or sponsored programs and events.
  • SBA requires students to be vaccinated in accordance with the schedule or catch-up schedule prescribed by state statutes and regulations. Even though Tennessee law provides exemptions for religious objections, Silverdale's policy does not. Silverdale will determine whether to allow medical exemptions on a case-by-case basis after review by a medical professional selected by Silverdale. The preschool at Silverdale Baptist Academy does not accept any exemptions - medical or religious.
  • If a student is not current with his or her vaccinations, Silverdale will allow the catch-up schedule to be followed as long as the student's immunizations are up to date prior to the first day of school (for preschool, prior to July 1).  Silverdale will work with a family and their physician if they have scheduling issues, but they must be making a good-faith effort to make progress in accordance with the catch-up schedule.